Root Canal Therapy
Neglecting dental conditions can have far-reaching consequences on various parts of the body. A root canal is frequently an effective solution for resolving a tooth infection. Our professional Doctors can diagnose and treat infected teeth and help you restore your dental health. At Sierra Dental Care, we efficiently provide quality dental care saving you time and money. Don't let a toothache keep you from enjoying your daily activities.
Delayed dental treatment often leads to cavities that enter and infect the nerves of a tooth. This can lead to painful teeth and discomfort while chewing. Root canal treatment removes the infection and a subsequent crown restores the tooth, allowing you to chew without pain. If left untreated, a dental infection can cause swelling & severe discomfort. Root canal treatment may be the first step to treat and save a patient's natural teeth. Our experienced and efficient Doctors at Sierra Dental Care will ensure that you are comfortable throughout the procedure .
Root canal treatment helps us to save natural teeth. The operation is simple enough that it may be accomplished in a single dental appointment. If the pulp gets infected and injured, your dentist may recommend it. If left untreated, this can cause swelling & severe discomfort in the neck and jaw.
Call Sierra Dental Care for a convenient appointment

Root Canal Therapy
A tooth infection can oftentimes be resolved with a Root Canal. Our professional Doctors can diagnose and treat infected teeth and help you restore your dental health. Dental infections can affect many other parts of your body and should not be neglected. At Sierra Dental Care, we provide quality dental care in an efficient manner saving you time and money. Don’t let a toothache keep you from enjoying your daily activities.
Call Sierra Dental Care for a convenient appointment
(661) 251-1800